SIP Construction

The Sustainable Infrastructure Program (SIP) construction continues to progress on schedule. Distribution work is winding down and restoration of the grounds will continue. Remaining building conversion work is also continuing.

Collector pipe installation continues at the well field through the summer. The collector pipes will transfer the thermal energy from the geothermal wells to the plant in the Central Services Building which will then provide heating and cooling to campus buildings. Work also continues inside the Central Services Building.

SIP is the biggest step that the Oberlin College has taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for campus. This project will bring the college within reach of its ambitious goal to become carbon neutral by 2025.

This is the final weekly update that will be provided given that most public-facing work has wrapped up. We will send some milestone-based updates as they are achieved, such as startup of the geothermal well field and commissioning of the heat pumps in the Central Services Building.

Wayfinding Map June 17, 2024

Week of July 1, 2024

Road Closures and Traffic Disruptions

  • No roads will be closed.

Wayfinding, Signage, and Fencing

  • The area west of Wilder Hall and east of the Central Services Building will remain closed, with the exception of the sidewalk just north of Mudd.
  • The sidewalk between Hall Annex and Art Library will be closed.
  • The sidewalk south and west of Carnegie will be closed, as well as the sidewalk between Carnegie and Bosworth.
  • Please view the wayfinding map to confirm your preferred routing in these areas.

Site Prep and Staging

  • The construction team is utilizing work and laydown areas in the following staging areas, which are protected by fencing:
    • At the Central Services Building parking lot on the east side of the building.
    • Around Carnegie Hall.
    • In the Willard Court parking lot.
  • Some additional laydown will be established for work in Asia, AMAM, Hall Annex, and Hall Auditorium.


  • No abatement is occurring.

Building Conversions and Improvements

  • Building conversion work is progressing in Carnegie.
  • Building conversion work will continue in Asia, AMAM, Hall Annex, and Hall Auditorium.

Distribution Pipe Installation and Plant Conversion

  • Restoration will continue on the south and west sides of Carnegie, south of Bosworth, and between Carnegie and Bosworth in mid-July.
  • Construction continues in the Central Services Building in preparation for the geothermal well field completion.

Geothermal Well Field

  • Collector pipe installation and backfilling will continue at the north practice fields.


  • Contractor parking will be in the Willard Court Lot.

Please be aware that heavy equipment is active and on campus throughout the day. Safety is our highest priority, and we ask for your help to ensure everyone is paying attention and alert while walking through campus.

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